
Parliamentwatch ( is a German Internet portal that allows asking questions to representatives and candidates in various parliaments publicly. The independent, nonpartisan site aims to increase transparency in government and deepen German democracy. Questions and answers are published, as well as the voting records of the deputies.

It is a non-profit project of Parlamentwatch e.V. and Parlamentwatch GmbH (technical service provider for Parlamentwatch e.V.) in cooperation with Mehr Demokratie e.V. and Mehr Bürgerrechte e.V. and is supported by BonVenture - Fonds und Stiftung für Soziale Verantwortung.[1] The goal is to be financed through fund-raising groups and online advertisements that can be hidden on demand.[2] Additional income comes from selling enhanced profiles to deputies and candidates.[3]

  1. ^ "Ein Portfolioprojekt der BonVenture GmbH & Co. KG". BonVenture Management GmbH. Archived from the original on 3 April 2014. Retrieved 31 March 2014.
  2. ^ "How is Parliament Watch financed?". Retrieved 31 March 2014.
  3. ^ "Satzung für Parlamentwatch" (PDF). Retrieved 31 March 2014.