A part-time student is a non-traditional student who pursues higher education, typically after reaching adulthood, while living off-campus, and possessing responsibilities related to family and/or employment.[1] Part-time student status is based on taking fewer course credits in a semester than full-time students. Part-time students may choose to pursue part-time studies for a variety of different reasons. A benefit of pursuing higher education as a part-time student is the opportunity to be able to balance learning with work, family and other personal commitments.[2] Not every program will have the option for part-time students to enroll. The selection of programs that are available in a part-time format will vary depending on the institution.
There is a lack of existing research that examines the experiences of part-time students in a higher education setting.[3] However, it is known that when compared to full-time students, part-time students often feel less engaged, and as a result, part-time students have much higher attrition rates.[4] It is recommended that peer support networks that support part-time students are implemented at institutions as a way to increase students' engagement with the program of study, decrease feelings of isolation, and increase participation.[5]