Pedal harp

Classification String instrument (plucked)
Hornbostel–Sachs classification322.222
(Frame harp with pedal tuning action)
Playing range
Related instruments

The pedal harp (also known as the concert harp) is a large and technologically modern harp, designed primarily for use in art music. It may be played solo, as part of a chamber ensemble, or in an orchestra. It typically has 47 strings with seven strings per octave, giving a range of six and a half octaves.[1]

In this type of harp the pedals alter the pitch of the strings, so that the pedal harp can easily play works written in any key. This is particularly important in the harmonically complex music of the Romantic period and later 20th-century classical music.

  1. ^ "Philharmonia". Archived from the original on May 2, 2020. Retrieved April 28, 2020.