Pei Xingyan

Pei Xingyan
Personal details
Bornlate 6th century
Diedc.June 619[1]
TitleDuke of Jiang County
ClanPei clan of Hedong

Pei Xingyan was a general during the Sui dynasty who was known for his superior fighting skills on the battlefield. He was also a highly celebrated warrior in popular culture and traditional Chinese dramas.

  1. ^ Vol.187 of Zizhi Tongjian indicate that Pei Xingyan and his father were killed shortly before Yang Tong. (王世充以礼部尚书裴仁基、左辅大将军裴行俨有威名,忌之。仁基父子知之,亦不自安,乃与尚书左丞宇文儒童、儒童弟尚食直长温、散骑常侍崔德本谋杀世充及其党,复尊立皇泰主;事泄,皆夷三族。齐王世恽言于世充曰:“儒童等谋反,正为皇泰主尚在故也,不如早除之。”世充从之,遣兄子唐王仁则及家奴梁百年鸩皇泰主。皇泰主曰:“更为请太尉,以往者之言,未应至此。”百年欲为启陈,世恽不许;又请与皇太后辞决,亦不许。乃布度焚香礼佛:“愿自今已往,不复生帝王家!”饮药,不能绝,以帛缢杀之。谥曰恭皇帝。). Zizhi Tongjian did not record an exact date for Yang's death, but placed it in the 5th month of that year, which corresponds to 17 Jun to 16 Jul 619 in the Julian calendar.