Philip Jarvis Dolan (October 5, 1923 – January 5, 1992) was an American physicist. He graduated from West Point in 1945, was assigned to the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos in 1948, and received his MSc in physics from the University of Virginia in 1956.
The son of a professor of military science at Purdue University, Dolan served in the Korean War before holding U.S. Army posts including instructor in nuclear weapons employment and nuclear effects project officer. He later worked for Lockheed Corporation and SRI International.
He is best known as co-author with Samuel Glasstone of the reference work The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, as well as first editor of the two-part edition of the U.S. Department of Defense's 1,651 page secret-restricted data manual, Capabilities of Nuclear Weapons (DNA-EM-1, 1 July 1972).