Phorbas, king of Argos, father of a different Triopas who succeeded him as king. Triopas was the brother of Arestor[3]
Phorbas, a shepherd of King Laius, who found the infant Oedipus on the hillside and ensured his survival to fulfill his destiny.[4] A number of sculptures, ranging from the 14th to the 19th century, memorialize Phorbas' rescue of Oedipus. He might be the same as Phorbas, attendant of Antigone.[5]
Phorbas, son of Helios and father of Ambracia (eponym of the city of Ambracia). Ambracia could also have been daughter of Augeas, granddaughter of Phorbas of Thessaly.[12]
Phorbas, father of Dexithea who, according to one version, was the mother of Romulus and Remus by Aeneas[15]
Phorbas, suitor of Megara, mother of Ixion in one source. Together with another suitor, Polymelos, they slain Megara and, in vengeance, were murdered by the latter’s son.[16]