Phyllis (mythology)

Woodcut of Phyllis and Demophon from Heroides, Venice, early 16th century

Phyllis (Ancient Greek: Φυλλίς, "leaves, foliage") is a character in Greek mythology, daughter of a Thracian king (according to some, of Sithon;[1][2] most other accounts do not give her father's name at all, but one states he is named either Philander, Ciasus, or Thelus[3]). She marries Demophon, King of Athens and son of Theseus, while he stops in Thrace on his journey home from the Trojan War.[4]

  1. ^ Servius on Virgil's Eclogue 5. 10
  2. ^ Ovid in Remedia Amoris, 605 addresses her by the patronymic Sithonis - if indeed it is a patronymic and not an indication of her belonging to the tribe Sithones
  3. ^ Scholia on Aeschines, On the False Embassy, 31
  4. ^ Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca Epitome of Book 4, 6. 16