Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/1 Samuel 28


Saul tries to consult God for advice but receives no reply, so he visits the Witch of Endor. He asks her to bring up Samuel from the dead, which she does, and Samuel admonishes Saul for acting this way and tells him that owing to Saul's past failure to commit complete genocide regarding Amalek, Saul is already condemned.

PEOPLE: PhilistinesIsraelitesAchishDavidSaulיהוה YHVH GodWitch of Endor

PLACES: ShunemGilboaEndor

RELATED ARTICLES: SamuelUrimNecromancyAmalek

ENGLISH TEXT: American StandardDouay–RheimsFreeKing JamesJewish Publication SocietyTyndaleWorld EnglishWycliffe