Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/2 Samuel 6


David requests the Ark be moved to Jerusalem, but when it becomes unsteady, Uzzah puts his hand on it and is struck dead by Yahweh. David leaves the ark with Obed-Edom for three months, though noting Obed-edom's subsequent good fortune, he brings the Ark to Zion. David joins the subsequent celebrations but is castigated for doing so by Michal.

PEOPLE: DavidIsraelitesיהוה YHVHAbinadabUzzahAhioNachonObed-Edom the GittiteMichal

PLACES: Baale of JudahGibeahPerez-uzzahCity of David

RELATED ARTICLES: Ark of the CovenantFirHarpPsalteryTimbrelCornetCymbalsThreshingfloorKorbanEphodShofarSaulFlagon

ENGLISH TEXT: American StandardDouay–RheimsFreeKing JamesJewish Publication SocietyTyndaleWorld EnglishWycliffe