An FBI investigation has reportedly found that criminal networks specializing in nuclear smuggling in Eastern Europe, particularly in the nation of Moldova, have shipped radioactive material to 'Middle Eastern extremists', including the Islamic State (which in the recent past has threatened to unleash a nuclear holocaust to 'wipe the West off the face of the Earth'). (AP via The Huffington Post)
United States PresidentBarack Obama telephoned MSF International President Joanne Liu to apologize for the U.S. bombing of the hospital in Afghanistan, express his condolences for the 22 people killed, commit to provide a transparent, thorough, and objective accounting of the facts and circumstances of the incident, and implement any changes to make tragedies like this one less likely to occur in the future. (Reuters)(Washington Post)
Brazil'sFederal Accounts Court (TCU), in a unanimous 8-0 decision, rules that PresidentDilma Rousseff's government manipulated its accounts in 2014 to disguise a widening fiscal deficit. The ruling, while not legally binding, is expected to be used by opposition lawmakers who are calling for impeachment proceedings. (Reuters)(AP)