...that Hamel, a town located in the South West of Western Australia, owes its name to solicitor and politician Lancel Victor de Hamel, the former owner of the land where the townsite is situated?
...that due to Claude de Bernales marketing of the gold fields of Western Australia in the 1930s, production increased sevenfold and employment in the industry quadrupled?
...that the Concorde visited Perth Airport on four separate occasions including on its 20th anniversary tour in 1989?
...that the endemic Western Australian shrub Stirlingia latifolia is commonly known as "Blueboy" because wall plaster turns blue if made using sand taken from where the plant occurs?
...that East Perth Cemeteries is a now-disused complex of seven independently administered cemeteries in Western Australia where as many as 10,000 people were buried between 1830 and 1919?
...that Kingsley Fairbridge established the first child migration scheme for impoverished British children which over 68 years housed and educated 1,195 boys and girls at his farm school in Pinjarra, Western Australia?
...that Belinda Dann, a member of Australia's Stolen Generation, died just months after being reunited with her family, who had been searching for her for over a century?
...that ethnographer Eric Mjöberg, leader of the first Swedish scientific expedition to Western Australia's Kimberley region, smuggled out indigenous human remains and that 90 years later, Sweden returned all 18 boxes of them?