Posad people

Posad People (Black Townspeople, Townspeople, Civilians) were a class of medieval (feudal) East Slavic lands (Kievan Rus, Grand Duchy of Moscow, Russian Tsardom, etc.), whose duties were to bear the tax (black people), that is, pay monetary and natural taxes, as well as perform numerous duties.[1]

The name of the handicraft and commercial population of the cities – "posad people" – comes from the word "posad".[2] When writing applications (petitions) to orders, the townspeople and Peasants were written not as Kholops, but as "slaves and orphans".[2] The trade and craft population of cities (podols, posads, hundreds) created their own territorial and professional associations (organizations of Artisans, such as workshops).[1]

  1. ^ a b Posad People. The World History
  2. ^ a b Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron