Posterior thoracic nucleus

Posterior thoracic nucleus
Diagram showing a few of the connections of afferent (sensory) fibers of the posterior root with the efferent fibers from the ventral column and with the various long ascending fasciculi. (Dorsal nucleus labeled at center right.)
Schematic of spinal cord grey matter showing location of the dorsal nucleus
Latinnucleus thoracicus posterior, nucleus dorsalis
Anatomical terminology

The posterior thoracic nucleus, (Clarke's column, column of Clarke, dorsal nucleus, nucleus dorsalis of Clarke) is a group of interneurons found in the medial part of Rexed lamina VII, also known as the intermediate zone, of the spinal cord. It is located from the cervical segment C8 to lumbar segment L3 of the spinal cord and is an important structure for proprioception[1] of the lower limb.

  1. ^ "SC 3. Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract - Pathway". University of Wisconsin. Retrieved 4 May 2018.