Project My World

Project My World is a reality television series that was broadcast on American satellite TV channel, The 101 Network, an exclusive service of DirecTV. The ten-part series premiered on October 16, 2006 and was shown on Monday nights.

The show followed three women as they traveled the world meeting up with their friends and unsigned bands, all of whom had accounts on MySpace. The program was produced in various European countries over a 30-day period.

The show's hosts, creators and executive producers are actresses/hosts Renee Intlekofer and Shaina Fewell. Taryn Southern, a friend and another actress, was also part of the cast for the first season, but will not return for an upcoming second season. An online search eventually produced Southern's replacement, Bridgetta Tomarchio.

Project My World traveled to Australia and New Zealand in the second season which premiered on October 1, 2007.