Prose Tristan

Tristan and Iseult playing chess while drinking the love potion aboard a ship (miniature, 1470)

AuthorUnknown (self-attributed to "Luce de Gat" and "Hélie de Boron")
CountryKingdom of France
LanguageOld French
DisciplineChivalric romance
PublishedFirst version: after 1230
Second version: after 1240

The Prose Tristan (Tristan en prose) is an adaptation of the Tristan and Iseult story into a long prose romance, and the first to tie the subject entirely into the arc of the Arthurian legend. It was also the first major Arthurian prose cycle commenced after the widely popular Lancelot-Grail (Vulgate Cycle), which influenced especially the later portions of the Prose Tristan.