Publius Mucius Scaevola (consul 133 BC)

Publius Mucius Scaevola (c. 176 BC – c. 115 BC) was a prominent Roman politician and jurist who was consul in 133 BC. In his earlier political career he served as tribune of the plebs in 141 BC and praetor in 136 BC. He also held the position of pontifex maximus for sixteen years after his consulship. He died around 115 BC.

Scaevola was consul at the time of Tiberius Gracchus' tribuneship and murder, and was heavily involved in reconciling the Senate following Gracchus' death. According to Cicero, Scaevola supported Gracchus' land reforms (Lex Sempronia Agraria), but the extent of his involvement has been debated by some historians.[1]

  1. ^ Stockton, David (1979). The Gracchi. Oxford University Press. pp. 27–28.