Publius Servilius Geminus

Publius Servilius Geminus was a Roman statesman and general during the middle era of the Roman Republic. He was one of the two consuls of 252 BC, serving with Gaius Aurelius Cotta.[1] They fought against the Carthaginians in the ongoing First Punic War; Geminus and Cotta were very successful; they took several Carthaginian strongholds on Sicily (including Himera, but its inhabitants had been secretly removed by the Carthaginians).[1] In 248 BC, he obtained the consulship a second time, together with his former colleague, Aurelius Cotta, and again fought in Sicily against the Carthaginians.[2]

  1. ^ a b Broughton, p. 219; Lendering, p.100.
  2. ^ Broughton, p. 226; Lendering, p. 108.