Publius Tarrutenius Paternus

Publius Tarrutenius Paternus[1] was a Roman eques who flourished during the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius. He achieved several military successes, leading first to his appointment as praetorian prefect and subsequently to his adlection into the Roman Senate. Paternus was accused of treason by Aurelius' son and successor Commodus, and executed.[2]

  1. ^ His gentilicum has been written a number of different ways, including Tarruntenus, Tarrutienus and Tarruntenius, which haunt, in the words of Joerg Fuendling, "essays and monographs in an impossible number of spellings". (Review of Prosopographia Imperii Romani Saec. I. II. III. Pars viii, Fasciculus 1, Bryn Mawr Classical Review)
  2. ^ Cassius Dio, Roman History, 73.5