
Map showing ancient Thessaly. Pythion is shown to the centre top near Mount Olympus.

Pythion (Greek: Πύθιον) or Pythium, also Pythoion (Πύθοιον) was a city and polis (city-state)[1] of Perrhaebia in ancient Thessaly, situated at the foot of Mount Olympus, and forming a Tripolis with the two neighbouring towns of Azorus and Doliche. Pythion derived its name from a temple of Apollo Pythius situated on one of the summits of Olympus, as we learn from an epigram of Xeinagoras, a Greek mathematician, who measured the height of Olympus from these parts.[2] Games were also celebrated here in honour of Apollo.[3]

  1. ^ Mogens Herman Hansen & Thomas Heine Nielsen (2004). "Thessaly and Adjacent Regions". An inventory of archaic and classical poleis. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 726–727. ISBN 0-19-814099-1.
  2. ^ ap. Plut. Aemil. Paul. 15.
  3. ^ Stephanus of Byzantium. Ethnica. Vol. s.v. Πύθιον.