Raden Wijaya

Raden Wijaya
Nararya Sanggramawijaya Sri Maharaja Kertarajasa Jayawardhana
Statue of Harihara, a combination of the gods Shiva and Vishnu, which is the deified portrayal of Raden Wijaya. Originally located in Simping Temple, Blitar. From the collection of National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta.
1st Maharaja of Majapahit
Kingdom of Majapahit
Simping Temple, Blitar Regency
Raden Wijaya or Nararya Sangramawijaya or Dyah Wijaya
Regnal name
Kertarajasa Jayawardhana
DynastyRajasa dynasty
FatherDyah Lembu Tal

Raden Wijaya or Raden Vijaya, also known as Nararya Sangramawijaya and his regnal name Kertarajasa Jayawardhana was a Javanese emperor and founder of the Majapahit Empire who ruled from 1293 until his death in 1309.[1] The history of his founding of Majapahit was written in several records, including Pararaton and Negarakertagama.[2] His rule was marked by the victory against the army and the Mongol navy of Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty.[3]

  1. ^ Slamet Muljana, 2005, Runtuhnya Kerajaan Hindu-Jawa dan Timbulnya Negara-negara Islam di Nusantara, Yogyakarta: LKiS, ISBN 9798451163.
  2. ^ Web Editorial Team, Direktori Majapahit. "Masa Kejayaan (1293-1389)". Direktori Majapahit (in Indonesian). Retrieved 20 December 2023.
  3. ^ Adryamarthanino, Verelladevanka., Endrawati, Tri. (18 October 2022). "Cara Raden Wijaya Menghadapi Kedatangan Pasukan Mongol di Singasari". Kompas (in Indonesian). Retrieved 20 December 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)