Random dynamical system

In the mathematical field of dynamical systems, a random dynamical system is a dynamical system in which the equations of motion have an element of randomness to them. Random dynamical systems are characterized by a state space S, a set of maps from S into itself that can be thought of as the set of all possible equations of motion, and a probability distribution Q on the set that represents the random choice of map. Motion in a random dynamical system can be informally thought of as a state evolving according to a succession of maps randomly chosen according to the distribution Q.[1]

An example of a random dynamical system is a stochastic differential equation; in this case the distribution Q is typically determined by noise terms. It consists of a base flow, the "noise", and a cocycle dynamical system on the "physical" phase space. Another example is discrete state random dynamical system; some elementary contradistinctions between Markov chain and random dynamical system descriptions of a stochastic dynamics are discussed.[2]

  1. ^ Bhattacharya, Rabi; Majumdar, Mukul (2003). "Random dynamical systems: a review". Economic Theory. 23 (1): 13–38. doi:10.1007/s00199-003-0357-4. S2CID 15055697.
  2. ^ Ye, Felix X.-F.; Wang, Yue; Qian, Hong (August 2016). "Stochastic dynamics: Markov chains and random transformations". Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 21 (7): 2337–2361. doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2016050.