Rectus capitis posterior major muscle

Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
Deep muscles of the back. (Rect. post. major visible at upper left.)
OriginSpinous process of the axis (C2)
InsertionInferior nuchal line of the occipital bone
ArteryOccipital artery
NerveDorsal ramus of C1 (suboccipital nerve), sub-occipital nerve
ActionsIpsilateral rotation of head and extension
Latinmusculus rectus capitis posterior major
Anatomical terms of muscle

The rectus capitis posterior major (or rectus capitis posticus major[citation needed]) is a muscle in the upper back part of the neck. It is one of the suboccipital muscles. Its inferior attachment is at the spinous process of the axis (Second cervical vertebra); its superior attachment is onto the outer surface of the occipital bone on and around the side part of the inferior nuchal line. The muscle is innervated by the suboccipital nerve (the posterior ramus of cervical spinal nerve C1). The muscle acts to extend the head and rorate the head to its side.