
Renku (連句, "linked verses"), or haikai no renga (俳諧の連歌, "comic linked verse"),[1] is a Japanese form of popular collaborative linked verse poetry. It is a development of the older Japanese poetic tradition of ushin renga, or orthodox collaborative linked verse. At renku gatherings participating poets take turns providing alternating verses of 17 and 14 morae. Initially haikai no renga distinguished itself through vulgarity and coarseness of wit, before growing into a legitimate artistic tradition, and eventually giving birth to the haiku form of Japanese poetry. The term renku gained currency after 1904, when Kyoshi Takahama started to use it.[citation needed]

  1. ^ Crowley, Cheryl, translator of Horikiri Minoru. "Exploring Bashō's World of Poetic Expression: Soundscape Haiku" in Kerkham, Eleanor, editor. Matsuo Bashō's Poetic Spaces: Exploring Haikai Intersections. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. ISBN 9781403972583 p159