Retromandibular vein

Retromandibular vein
Veins of the head and neck
(retromandibular vein visible at center).
Dissection, showing salivary glands of right side (retromandibular vein visible at bottom center).
SourceSuperficial temporal vein,
maxillary veins
Drains toExternal jugular vein
ArteryFacial artery
Latinvena retromandibularis,
vena facialis posterior
Anatomical terminology

The retromandibular vein (temporomaxillary vein, posterior facial vein) is a major vein of the face. It is formed within the parotid gland by the confluence of the maxillary vein, and superficial temporal vein. It descends in the gland and splits into two branches upon emerging from the gland. Its anterior branch then joins the (anterior) facial vein forming the common facial vein, while its posterior branch joins the posterior auricular vein forming the external jugular vein.