Right circular cylinder

Illustration of a cylinder.

A right circular cylinder is a cylinder whose generatrices are perpendicular to the bases. Thus, in a right circular cylinder, the generatrix and the height have the same measurements.[1] It is also less often called a cylinder of revolution, because it can be obtained by rotating a rectangle of sides and around one of its sides. Fixing as the side on which the revolution takes place, we obtain that the side , perpendicular to , will be the measure of the radius of the cylinder.[2]

In addition to the right circular cylinder, within the study of spatial geometry there is also the oblique circular cylinder, characterized by not having the geratrices perpendicular to the bases.[3]

  1. ^ Giovanni; Giovanni Jr.; Bonjorno (2011). Matemática fundamental: uma nova abordagem.
  2. ^ Conexões com a matemática. 2010.
  3. ^ Paiva (2004). Matemática.