Robert Aylmer (d.1493[1]), of Norwich, Norfolk, was an English politician.
He was a grocer,[2] Sheriff of Norwich in 1471,[3] Alderman of Norwich[4] in 1480, and Mayor of Norwich in 1481 and 1492.[5] He was married to Elizabeth[6] (d.1518[7]).
was invoked but never defined (see the help page).In the name of god Amen the xiij daye the monyth of Decemb In the yere of o[u]r lord god yt ccccc xlljth I Elizabeth Thursby of norwiche widow in my good mynde and hole Remembrance beyng (laudyd be god) at norwiche make this my testament and last wyll in this wyse ffirst I comend my soule to allmythi god and too o[u]r blessed lady Sancte Marie and mother to criste Jhu. Sancte Laurance myn advoyz and to Sancte Andrew and to all the holy sanctes in hevyn and my body for to be burid in the churche of Sancte Andrew in norwiche by the sepultcre of Robert Aylmer late my husband whos hey altar ther I bequethe xxs [20 shillings] I bequethe to the Reparacons and admedment[? amendment?] of the sayd churche x marcs It[e]m I will have a wexe [wax] candyll of a pownde to beurne[? burn] dayly upon my grave by the space of one hole yere nexte after my decesse. And in the myghtys within the same yere I wyll have a lampe brennyng duryng the sayd yere And I geve and bequethe to hym that shall kepe and give attendance to the same hyghtes eny quarter viijd [eight pence] duryng the yere aforesayd, It[e]m I bequethe to the sayd churche of Sancte andrew my best wreten masse bok and my best chales gylte It[e]m I bequethe to the hey altar of the churche of Sancte Laurance in norwiche xxs [20 shillings] and to the Reparacon of the same churche v marcs A vestment to the value of xxs [20 shillings] and my nexte best chales gilte It[e]m I will thatt myn executores ffynde a seculer preist to syng and pray for my Sowlle my husbands Sowlles Robert John and Thomas, my childers Sowlles Richard Thomas and Cecyly my frends and benefactors Sowlles within the churche of Sancte Andrew aforesayd by the space of viij yeres nexte after my deceasse takyng eny yere to his wayges viij marcs [eight marks] It[e]m I wyll thatt myn executores shall ffynde a nothis [an honest?] Secular preiste to syng and praye for my Sowlle and for the Sowlles aforesayd within the churche of Sancte Laurance aforesayd by the space of ij yeer nexte after my deceasse It[e]m I bequethe to the churche of Sancte George of Colegate my wreten Sawter and xxs [20 shillings], It I bequethe to the Reparacons of thes churches folowyng that is too say Sancte Martens att the parish gate, Sancte Cruxes [Holy Cross], Sancte John of Madermarket and Sancte Peter of Mancrofte to iche of them xxs [20 shillings], It[e]m I will thatt myn executores shall kepe my dirige and messe solemnly amyt in the weke in the churche of Sancte Andrew with v. seculer pristes ij ffryers preist beyng ther p[re]sent both att dirige and messe takyng iche of them for ther labor iiijd [four pence] It[e]m to ij p[a]r[i]she clerks beyng ther pres[e]nt att dirige and masse to iche of them ijd [two pence] It[e]m to the clerke and sexten of the same churche of Sancte Andrew for ther labor and attendance in tollyng of the belles att ij att the clokke att after none to the dirige and for tollyng of the belle the nexte day att ix of the clokke to masse I bequethe to iche of them for ther labor and attendance iijd [three pence], It[e]m I will have ij children att the sayd dirige and messe in ther Sirplesses [surplices] to syng versicules I bequethe to iche of them jd [one pence], It[e]m I wyll have xij poremen and women att the sayd diriges and masses to pray for my Sowlle and for the Sowlles Aforesayd duryng the terme of the same diriges and messes and I bequethe to iche of them for ther labors jd [one pence] It[e]m I will thatt oon person in the stede of myn executor shall offer att eny masse so keppe in the honor and worchippe of the blessyd trinite for my Sowlle and the Sowlles Aforesayd iijd [three pence], It[e]m I bequethe to the curate in the sayd churche for the fondyng of the hyghtis ther for eny day att dirige and masse iiijd [four pence] It[e]m I will thatt my hyghtis whiche I have ordenyd for the said dirige and messe be continewyd att my coste and charge, It[e]m I bequethe to hym thatt shall warne the preistes clerks and pore folke to be present att the diriges and messes as is aforesayd for eny day for his labor iiijd [four pence] It[e]m I will that thes diriges and messes shalbe continewyd wekly as I have be [...] and as itt ys aforesayd wekly the fyrst day of September nexte after the date hereof It[e]m I bequethe to dame Elizabeth canf my goddoughter beyng a nune in blakburyh abbey [Blackborough Priory] xxs [20 shillings], It[e]m too Anne Canf xs [10 shillings], Item I bequethe to the p^ri^orisse of carrow xijd [12 pence] and to eny othere nune there iiijd [four pence], It[e]m I bequethe to iche anker [anchorite] and ankerisse [anchoress] in norwiche viijd [eight pence] It[e]m I bequethe to the presoners in the castell and in the Guyldhall of norwiche att the day of my buryall to iche of them in mete and money ijd [two pence], It[e]m I bequethe to iche person beyng a Lazar dwellyng att the Lazar houses att the w. gates of norwiche ijd [two pence], It[e]m I bequethe to the Sisters of normans within norwiche iiijd [four pence] It[e]m I bequethe to the churche of Sancte Clement in London where my Sonne Thomas Aylmer light buryd xxs [20 shillings] It[e]m I bequethe to the Reparacons of the of the churche of Sancte Margaret in Leun [Lynn] xxs [twenty shillings], It[e]m I bequethe to danne [See: Don (honorific)#Academia – Like the don used for Roman Catholic priests, this usage derives from the Latin dominus, meaning "lord". An English corruption, "dan", was in early use as a title of respect, equivalent to master.] George Henghm [George Hengham, Hyngham or Hingham was prior of Lynn from 1506. He is also mentioned in the will of Elizabeth's third husband, Thumas Thursby, of 3rd of May 1510] p^ri^or of Leun [Lynn] xxs [twenty shillings], It[e]m I bequethe to the continuans of A comynd[?] carte for the foluyng of the strete in norwiche xli [£10] for the ward of Mydyll Wymer, It[e]m I bequethe to Helene Ayllmer, Elizabeth, Margrett and Cecely Aylmer the daughters of my Sonne Richard Aylmer whenne they come to the age of xviij yeres to Iche of them x marcs and to iche of them att the sayd age in plate assignaied and stuff of howshold appoyntid to iche of them to the value of x marcs and if fortune any of the sayd Helen, Elizabeth Margrett and Cecily or all to decesse by for the age of the sayd xviij yeres Thenne I wyll thatt the sayd Legatt made to the sayd chylde and childern to be deceassed shalbe distributed by myn executors in d[ee]ds of pythe and charite for my Sowlle my husbands Sowlles and all cristen Sowlles by myn executores [...] It I wyll thatt my place lyyng in Sancte Andrews parishe be sollyd by myn executores and the monye ther of commyng to go to the pformance of this my present testament, It[e]m I bequethe to Nicholas Gapston[?] Willm Amyes and Nicholas Osborn to iche of them v marcs It I wyll have a manne to goo in pylgrimage for my Sonne Thomas to o[u]r lady of malsynggny [Marcigny] and he too have for his labor iijs iiijd [three shillings four pence] It[e]m I wyll have a manne to goo in pilgrimage to Sancte Antonye att Camb[irs]ton [Camber] in Sussex and he to have for his labor xs [10 shillings] It[e]m I bequethe to Thomas Thursby an agnus dei Silver and gilte withe holy wexe [wax] ther in and too his wyff A Image of o[u]r lady Silver and gilte It I bequethe to Elizabeth Westgate A payre of Smalle corall be[a]ds of twyse ffyfty withe gilte pater noster, It[e]m I bequethe to [...] to be dysposed of for my Sowlle myn childers Sowlles myn husbands Sowlles and all my frendes Sowlles in [...] to the moste plesire of god and comfort to my Sowlle [...] I orden and make my welbelovyd in criste