Roger de Beaumont

Roger de Beaumont (c. 1015 – 29 November 1094), feudal lord (French: seigneur) of Beaumont-le-Roger and of Pont-Audemer in Normandy, was a powerful Norman nobleman and close advisor to William the Conqueror.

Bearded Norman nobleman depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry (c. 1066), possibly representing Roger de Beaumont (died 1094). The figure is seated at the right hand of Duke William of Normandy, who himself occupies the place of honour at the ceremony of the blessing of the food at Hastings by Bishop Odo, well before the time of the battle
ET HIC EPISCOPUS CIBU(M) ET POTU(M) BENEDICIT ("And here the bishop blesses the food and drink"). The feast at Hastings, after which a castle was ordered to be built, following which battle was joined. Roger de Beaumont is possibly depicted as the bearded figure, see detail above. Bayeux Tapestry