The Ruweng are part of South Sudan's larger Padang fraternity found in both South Sudan and northern Sudan. Many have mistakenly claimed that the Ruweng Dinka is part of Padang. Padang consists of Dongjol, Ageer, Nyiel, Abeliang, Jok, Ruweng, Lual Ngok Abyei and Ngok Lual Yak and Luanyjang. Luannyjang, sometimes known as Luany Agwer Adel shares a similar name with Luach of Agwer Wieu in Korflus, Northern Jonglei. The two Luach, just like the Luach of Atuot, only share the name Luach but have not historical relation other than their larger Dinka identity.
The association of Ngok with Padang was a function of political fiction adopted in 1982 when Kokora politics became a dominant game in South Sudan. It is a mistake that is similar in character to the mistake that Aliab, Ciec, Gok and Atuot are part of Agaar.
Ngok is one of several branches of the Dinka people which consists of Malwal, Ngok, Agaar, Twic, Bor, Padang, Ciec, Aliab and Marbek). The Dinka is the largest Nilotic group in the world.