Saint Nedelya

Saint Nedelya
Icon of Holy Week
FolkloreSlavic Mythology
DetailsThe embodiment of the day of the week - Sunday
Icon "Saints Anastasia and Paraskeva Friday", Russia, XV century.

Saint Nedelya (St. Sunday, St. Anastasia,[1] in folk Orthodoxy of the Slavs is the personification of Sunday as day of the week.[2] It is correlated with Saint Anastasia (in Bulgarians also with Saint Kyriakia.[3] The veneration of the Week is associated with the prohibition of various kinds of work (cf. the origin of the Slavic week from not to do).

  1. ^ "Golubkova O. В. Female mythological images in the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs of Siberia". Archived from the original on 2015-09-24. Retrieved 2013-09-11.
  2. ^ Неделя (персонаж) / О. В. Белова // Славянские древности: Этнолингвистический словарь : в 5 т. / под общ. ред. Н. И. Толстого; Институт славяноведения РАН. — М. : Межд. отношения, 2004. — Т. 3: К (Круг) — П (Перепёлка). — С. 391–392. — ISBN 5-7133-1207-0
  3. ^ Folk Kultura na Balkanjiite. Scientific and ethnographic conference / Compiler and editor: Senior researcher Dr. Angel Goev. - Gabrovo: Architectural and Ethnographic Complex "Etar", 1996. - Vol. II. - 308 pp.  (Bulgarian).