Sandford St Martin Trust

The Sandford St Martin Trust is a United Kingdom-based religious charity. It was established in 1978 to promote excellence in religious broadcasting. Each year the Trust holds an awards ceremony for outstanding achievement in religious broadcasting. The awards ceremony is held at Lambeth Palace where prize money of approximately £10,000 is awarded to winners. Categories have included radio, TV, and a Local and Community Award (made in 2014). In 2015 the Sandford St Martin Trust Awards introduced a new children's category for content aimed at under-18s.

The Sandford St Martin Trust also administer a joint "Readers' Award" with the Radio Times for a programme chosen by readers of that magazine.

The Trust is administered by up to twelve trustees. The current chair is the Rt Rev'd Jan McFarlane, Bishop of Repton. Trustees include the broadcasters Roger Bolton and Torin Douglas MBE.