
  • Muck
Used inWRB, USDA soil taxonomy, others
WRB codesa, HSsa
Parent materialOrganic matter

A sapric is a subtype of a histosol[1] where virtually all of the organic material has undergone sufficient decomposition to prevent the identification of plant parts.[2][3] Muck is a sapric soil that is naturally waterlogged or is artificially drained.

  1. ^ According to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources and similar soil classification systems
  2. ^ Canarache, A.; Vintila, I.I.; Munteanu, I. (2006). Elsevier's Dictionary of Soil Science. Elsevier. p. 745. ISBN 9780080561318.
  3. ^ Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States: A Guide for Identifying and Delineating Hydric Soils (version 8.1 ed.). Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2017. p. 38. Archived from the original on 2017-05-24.