

"Satsuma-utsunomiya-ryu" is an undescribed plesiosaur known from Kyushu, Japan.[1] This nickname is named after the former province name of the discovery site and the discoverer, Satoshi Utsunomiya.[2] It is the oldest known elasmosaurid plesiosaur fossil in East Asia, dating back to approximately 100 million years ago. It is permanently exhibited at the Kagoshima Prefectural Museum.[3]

Furthermore, the world's first plesiosaur "pellet" was found in the throat area.[4][5]

  1. ^ 宇都宮, 聡 (2019-03-31). 鹿児島県長島町獅子島の上部白亜系御所浦層群から産出した 東アジア最古のエラスモサウルス科(爬虫綱,長頚竜目)(Oldest Elasmosauridae (Plesiosauria) in East Asia from the Upper Cretaceous Goshoura Group, Shishijima Island, Southwestern Japan) (Thesis) (in Japanese). Osaka Museum of Natural History.
  2. ^ "2004 年に鹿児島県長島町獅子島でクビナガリュウの化石が発見 (The finding of plesiosaur fossil from Shishijima, Nagashima-cho, Kagoshima prefecture in 2004)" (PDF). 鹿児島県立博物館 鹿博だより No.101. Kagoshima Prefectural Museum. March 20, 2020. Retrieved August 11, 2023.
  3. ^ "Kagoshima Prefectural Museum Guide Map" (PDF). Kagoshima Prefectural Museum. Kagoshima Prefectural Museum Guide Map. Retrieved August 11, 2023.
  4. ^ "1億年前の首長竜に現代の鳥に似た習性 ─ 世界初、未消化で吐き出した"ペリット"を発見 ─|東京都市大学". Retrieved 2024-02-14.
  5. ^ 中島保寿; 宇都宮聡; 多久島徹 (2021). "エラスモサウルス科首長竜類の咽頭内容物". 日本古生物学会例会講演予稿集 (in Japanese). 170th (CD-ROM): 24.