Satuan Karya

Satuan Karya Pramuka (Saka) or special scout troops are the education tools, part of the Indonesian Scouting movement, to sharpen the Scouts' skills in certain fields, to build knowledge in the Information Technology (IT) field, and to answer the challenges from youth to provide advantageous activities. Satuan Karya troops are for youth age 14-25, with at least the Penggalang Terap rank, or for any person who is not a Scout, who can fulfill certain qualifications. Every troop has their own department, where each department concentrates on some special field or branch of science. In every Satuan Karya, there are special merit badges that can be obtained by fulfilling the requirements. There are nine such speciality units and these are open only to Scouts in the Rover ("Pramuka Penegak") and Venture Scout ("Pramuka Pandega") levels.