
A modern 5-valved bass saxhorn.
Brass instrument
Hornbostel–Sachs classification423.232
(Valved aerophone sounded by lip vibration)
DevelopedMid 19th century by Adolphe Sax
Playing range

      \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
      \clef treble \key c \major \cadenzaOn
      \tweak font-size #-2 cis1 \finger \markup \text "V"
      fis1 \glissando c'''1
      \tweak font-size #-2 g'''1 \finger \markup \text "poss."
As written in treble clef, for three-valved instruments. Instruments with four or more valves can play to low C♯ (marked V).
Related instruments
Modern saxhorns: Other instruments:

The saxhorn is a family of valved brass instruments that have conical bores and deep cup-shaped mouthpieces. The saxhorn family was developed by Adolphe Sax, who is also known for creating the saxophone family. The sound of the saxhorn has a characteristic mellow tone quality and blends well with other brass.