Scandinavian Braille

Danish Braille
Norwegian Braille
Swedish Braille
Finnish Braille
Greenlandic Braille
Script type
Print basis
Dano-Norwegian alphabet
Swedish alphabet
LanguagesDanish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Greenlandic
Related scripts
Parent systems
  • French Braille
    • Danish Braille
      Norwegian Braille
      Swedish Braille
      Finnish Braille
      Greenlandic Braille

Scandinavian Braille is a braille alphabet used, with differences in orthography and punctuation, for the languages of the mainland Nordic countries: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish. In a generally reduced form it is used for Greenlandic.

Scandinavian Braille is very close to French Braille, with slight modification of some of the accented letters, and optional use of the others to transcribe foreign languages.