Scene (TV series)

Scene is a British television anthology drama/documentary series made by the BBC for teenagers, broadcast from 1968 to 2002. It comprised dramas and documentaries on topical issues, sometimes of a controversial nature, by leading contemporary playwrights including included Willy Russell, Fay Weldon, Tom Stoppard, Alan Plater etc. [1] programmes were originally broadcast to a school audience as part of the BBC Schools strand. Dramas from the series were also regularly broadcast for a wider adult audience.

Scene was originally conceived as a series of 30 minute dramas and documentaries suitable for showing to teenage schoolchildren as part of the English and Humanities curriculum. It was envisaged that the dramas shown would stimulate discussion in the classroom about various contemporary issues relevant to teenagers (such as race, drugs, sex, disability etc.).

  1. ^ Wheatley, Helen. Re-viewing television history: critical issues in television historiography (I. B. Tauris & Co., 2007), p186 ff.