Scouting and Guiding in Peru
Scouting and Guiding associations in Peru
headquarters of the Asociación de Scouts del Perú
movement in
is served by
Asociación Nacional de Guías Scouts del Perú
, member of the
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Asociación de Scouts del Perú
, member of the
World Organization of the Scout Movement
Movimiento Scout Católico del Perú
Asociación Peruana de Escultismo
Asociación Peruana de los Scouts del Mundo
, member of the
Order of World Scouts
Asociación Peruana de Scouts de Baden Powell
Exploradores Peruanos
, member of the
Club de Exploradores
Unión de Scouts Tradicionales de América Perú
, member of the
Order of World Scouts