Senusret (vizier)

Senusret was an Ancient Egyptian official who was a vizier during the last years of king Senusret I's rule and in the first years of Amenemhat II. Senusret is known from a stela found in Abydos,[1] which is dated to year 8 of Amenemhat II. He also appears in biographical inscriptions in the tomb of the governor Amenemhat at Beni Hasan, where it is stated that he was on a mission to Koptos. The inscription reports events under Senusret I.

Senusret had a huge tomb complex next to the pyramid of Amenemhat I at Lisht. There was a mastaba in the centre, about 12 m × 26 m in size, much of which has been destroyed. The building was found within an outer wall made of mudbricks, measuring 30.4 m × 35.8 m. The decoration of the mastaba was only preserved in the smallest fragments, but revealed the name Senusret and some titles, including those of a vizier. Within the tomb complex was found the undisturbed burial shaft of the lady Senebtisi.

  1. ^ Paris, Louvre C4