Serbian art

The White Angel fresco from Mileševa Monastery (1235)
Serbian Orthodox Monastery of Dečani, built in the 14th century, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Serbian art refers to the visual arts of the Serbs and their nation-state Serbia. The medieval heritage includes Byzantine art, preserved in architecture, frescos and icons of the many Serbian Orthodox monasteries. In the early modern period, Serbian visual arts began to be influenced by Western art, culminating in the Habsburg monarchy in the late 18th century. The beginning of modern Serbian art is placed in the 19th century. Many Serbian monuments and works of art have been lost forever due to various wars and peacetime marginalizations.[1]

  1. ^ Kadijević, Aleksandar Đ. (2017). "About typology and meaning of the Serbian public architectural monuments (19–20th centuries)". Matica Srpska Journal for Fine Arts. 45.