Shabbat candles

A Jewish woman reciting the blessing over Shabbat candles while covering her eyes (Ma'ale Adumim, 2011)
Shabbat candles
Lighting the Sabbath lamp (1657)

Shabbat candles (Hebrew: נרות שבת) are candles lit on Friday evening before sunset to usher in the Jewish Sabbath.[1] Lighting Shabbat candles is a rabbinically mandated law.[2] Candle-lighting is traditionally done by the woman of the household,[3] but every Jew is obligated to either light or ensure that candles are lit on their behalf.[4]

In Yiddish, lighting the candles is known as licht bentschen ("light-blessing") or licht tsinden ("light-kindling").

  1. ^ Shabbat Candles, Feminine Light
  2. ^ Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 263:2
  3. ^ [1]Jewish Virtual Library, Shabbat
  4. ^ "Arukh HaShulchan, Orach Chaim 263:5". Retrieved 2024-02-11.