
Poster of 1999 National Theatre production. Designed by Fiona Richards and illustrated by Mark Longworth.
Written byPhilip Ridley
Characters6 Male and 3 Female
Original languageEnglish
SeriesThe Storyteller Sequence
SubjectBullying, Fantasy, Storytelling
GenreTheatre for Young People
Setting"The rooftop of a tower block in the East End of London"

Sparkleshark is a stage play by Philip Ridley that was originally commissioned for the BTNational Connections, the UK National Theatre's youth theatre scheme in 1997. Sparkleshark had a professional run at the Royal National Theatre in 1999 followed by a tour in 2001.

The play is part of Ridley's sequence of plays for young people The Storyteller Sequence which share thematic similarities, the most distinct being the redemptive power of storytelling.[1]