Stairways in Naples

Pedamentina stairs.
Pedamentina stairs.
Sant'Antonio ai Monti stairs.
Petraio stairs.
San Marcellino stairs.
Capodimonte stairs.
Nazario Sauro stairs.

The stairways of Naples are over 200[1] and are complex urban systems that connect various areas of the city comprising often narrow interconnected stone paths, walks, alleys, steps and ramps — varying in slopes and width, at points bifurcating or overarched by buildings. The history of these features is mainly due to expansions outside the walls of the sixteenth century.

  1. ^ Donatella Bernabò Silorata (14 January 2014). "Napoli segreta, le scale delle meraviglie" [Secret Naples, the stairs of wonders]. L'Espresso (in Italian).