Stand density index

Stand density index (SDI; also known as Reineke's Stand Density Index[1] after its founder) is a measure of the stocking of a stand of trees based on the number of trees per unit area and diameter at breast height (DBH) of the tree of average basal area, also known as the quadratic mean diameter. It may also be defined as the degree of crowding within stocked areas, using various growing space ratios based on crown length or diameter, tree height or diameter, and spacing. Stand density index is usually well correlated with stand volume and growth, and several variable-density yield tables have been created using it. Basal area, however, is usually satisfactory as a measure of stand density index and because it is easier to calculate it is usually preferred over SDI.[2] Stand density index is also the basis for Stand density management diagrams.

  1. ^ Reineke, L.H. 1933 Perfecting a stand-density index for even-aged forest. "Journal of Agricultural Research" 46:627-638
  2. ^ Avery, Thomas & Burkhart, Harold. 2002. Forest Measurements 5th edition.