Statement analysis

Statement analysis is a technique used to determine whether a suspect is telling the truth or being deceptive based on linguistic indicators. The basic principles of statement analysis are straightforward: a suspect always reveals much more than they realize. Language moves so quickly that no one has complete control over what they say and try to conceal.

Unlike SCAN (Scientific Content Analysis), statement analysis offers higher accuracy and also assists in reconstructing events. This makes it particularly valuable in cold cases, where new hypotheses can be uncovered and investigated.

Statement Analysis lies at the intersection of linguistics, psychology, and criminology. By analyzing the specific words and phrases used by individuals, practitioners can detect concealed information, missing information, and embedded confessions, thereby determining the veracity of the information provided.

This method leverages the idea that linguistic patterns and subconscious cues in speech can provide insight into a person’s true intentions and knowledge about a given event. It is a tool utilized by investigators to gain deeper insights and make informed decisions during the investigative process. Statement Analysis has already proven successful in various cases, demonstrating its effectiveness as an investigative tool.