Stephen Park Turner

Stephen Park Turner (born March 1, 1951) is a researcher in social practice, social and political theory, and the philosophy of the social sciences. He is Graduate Research Professor in the Department of Philosophy of the University of South Florida,[1] where he also holds the title Distinguished University Professor.[2] He has held a NEH Fellowship, was Simon Honorary Professor at Manchester University and has twice been the Advanced Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies

Turner was born in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in 1968 and then attended the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. He received his undergraduate and his two master's degrees (one in philosophy and one in sociology) and his Ph.D. in sociology, with a dissertation on a philosophical topic, later published as Sociological Explanation as Translation (1980) by Cambridge University Press in the Rose Monograph series of the American Sociological Association. He later studied with Richard Rorty and Edward Shils. He began his long affiliation with the University of South Florida in 1975. In 1987 Turner was appointed Graduate Research Professor in Sociology; since 1989 he has held the same title, now Distinguished University Professor, but in Philosophy. He has had visiting appointments at Virginia Tech, the University of Notre Dame, and Boston University. He is on the editorial board of some 15 journals, and is the longest serving "Collaborating Editor" of Social Studies of Science.

  1. ^ Faculty listing, USF Philosophy Dept., retrieved 2012-06-28.
  2. ^ List of Distinguished University Professors Archived 2012-07-04 at the Wayback Machine, USF, retrieved 2012-06-28.