Subcontrabass tuba

Subcontrabass tuba
Riesentuba in 36′ B♭, Markneukirchen Music Museum
Hornbostel–Sachs classification423.232
(Valved aerophone sounded by lip vibration)
Related instruments
Gerard Hoffnung

The subcontrabass tuba is a rare instrument of the tuba family built an octave or more below the modern contrabass tuba. Only a very small number of these large novelty instruments have ever been built. Most are pitched in thirty-six-foot (36′) BBB♭ an octave lower than the BB♭ contrabass tuba, their fundamental note B♭-1 corresponding to a frequency of 15 Hz – such a slow vibration that it can scarcely be perceived as a note.

The Harvard University Band's Besson La Prodigieuse BBB♭ tuba