Sunan Drajat

Kangjeng Susuhunan
Raden Qasim

Paciran, Lamongan
EraDemak Sultanate
TitleKangjeng Susuhunan Drajat
FatherSunan Ampel

Sunan Drajat was born in 1470 CE. He was one of the Wali Songo or "nine Saints", along with his brother Sunan Bonang and his father Sunan Ampel to whom is attributed the establishment of Islam as the dominant religion amongst the Javanese, Indonesia's largest ethnic group.

He was a descendant of Majapahit nobility in Tuban and a Chinese captain named Gan Eng Cu.[1]

Like his brother, he composed gamelan songs as a means for spreading Islamic teachings on Java. One example was the tune Gending 'Pangkur'.[2]

In 1502 CE, he built the masjid in the village of Jelag in Paciran (north of Surabaya) [3]

  1. ^ Muljana, Prof. Dr. Slamet (2005). RUNTUHNYA KERAJAAN HINDU-JAWA DAN TIMBULNYA NEGARA-NEGARA ISLAM DI NUSANTARA. Yogyakarta: LKiS. pp. 86–101. ISBN 979-8451-16-3.
  2. ^ "Universitas Kristen Petra".
  3. ^ Wali Songo: The Nine Walis