Syriac Infancy Gospel

The Rest on the Flight into Egypt, painting by Paris Bordone, circa 1530: In 2015, French art historian Anne Corneloup claimed that it illustrated a specific episode from the Syriac Infancy Gospel.[1]

The Syriac Infancy Gospel, also known as the Arabic Infancy Gospel, is a New Testament apocryphal writing concerning the infancy of Jesus. It may have been compiled as early as the sixth century, and was partly based on the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of James, and the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, though much of it is also based on oral tradition. The only two surviving manuscripts date from 1299 AD and the 15th/16th century in Arabic.[2][3][4] They were copied in the area of northern Iraq and show influence from the Quran.[5][6]

  1. ^ Roy, Alain (June 2017). De Giotto à Goya. Peintures italiennes et espagnoles du musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg. Musées de la ville de Strasbourg. p. 129. ISBN 978-2-35125-151-5.
  2. ^ Wittka, Gerd (17 January 2003). Die Weihnachtsverkundigung in den apokryphen Kindheitsevangelien. GRIN Verlag. ISBN 9783640057474. 3.2.1 Genese des Evangeliums: "Es liegt in zwei arabischen Handschriften vor" translation: "There are two handwritten manuscripts in arabic"
  3. ^ "Arabic Infancy Gospel // 3.1. Manuscripts". 5 February 2016. MS 2: Florence, Biblioteca Laurenziana, codex orientalis 387 [32], fols. 2r–48v (from the year 1299 AD)
  4. ^ "Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodl. Or. 350". 30 December 2018. Date: estimated 15th/16th century
  5. ^ Schneider, Gerhard (1995). Evangelia infantiae apokrypha – Apokryphe Kindheitsevangelien. Freiburg. pp. See p. 53 and following.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  6. ^ Wittka, Gerd (17 January 2003). Die Weihnachtsverkündigung in den apokryphen Kindheitsevangelien. GRIN Verlag. ISBN 9783640057474. 3.2.1 Genese des Evangeliums: "Die verschiedenen Handschriften wurden wohl im Raum des heutigen türkischen Kurdistans und des Nordiraks verfaßt und sind gekennzeichnet durch Einflüsse des Korans" //transl. "The several handwritings were composed in the land of (modern day) Turkish Kurdistan and northern Iraq and show influences from the Quran"