Taittiriya Shakha

The Taittirīya Shakha (Sanskrit, loosely meaning 'Branch or School of the sage Tittiri'),[1][2][3] is a shakha (i.e. 'branch', 'school', or rescension) of the Krishna (black) Yajurveda. The Taittiriyas are themselves divided into numerous sub-schools. Among these, the followers of Baudhayana and Apastamba were found all over South India (including Maharashtra), while the Hiranyakeshins were found mainly in Konkan and Western Maharashtra. The Vaikhanasas have a more eastern presence- around Tirupati and Chennai. The Vadhulas are present currently in Kerala and earlier in adjacent parts of Tamil Nadu. The Agniveshyas, a subdivision of the Vadhula immigrants from Malabar, are found around Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The Apastamba, Hiranyakeshin, Vaikhanasa and Baudhayana schools have survived with all their texts intact, it consists of the Taittirīya Samhita ('TS'), Taittirīya Brahmana ('TB'), Taittirīya Aranyaka ('TA'), and Taittirīya Pratisakhya ('TP').

  1. ^ "Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit: 'Taittiriya'". spokensanskrit.org. Retrieved 9 January 2020.
  2. ^ "Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit: 'shakha'". spokensanskrit.org. Retrieved 9 January 2020.
  3. ^ Williams, Monier (1872). A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: 'Taittira'. p. 384.