Talk:Charlotte Gray (novel)

I have written a plot summary for this novel Ivankinsman 18:53, 29 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Inspiration for Charlotte Gray?

–While Nancy Wake certainly could have been the inspiration for Charlotte Gray, Cecily Lefort also has many similarities to the fictional character.Cravenmonket 23:19, 5 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Forget the wartime social life and romance, forget the absurd recruitment scenario, forget that she joins the SOE to find her lover and ignores her mission and just concentrate on the facts that she spent time in France and spoke fluent French. New Zealand born French widow and member of the British SOE who in later life became an Australian citizen spent time in France and spoke fluent French so the character must be modelled on her? I expect that if not every SOE agent, then the great majority of agents would have spent time in France and spoke fluent French. If you have read any of the biographies of Nancy Wake you would wonder where the idea that she was the model for Charlotte Gray originated? Anthony Staunton (talk) 06:10, 27 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]